I'm very happy to finally be able to share the title and cover for my next high fantasy novel! I can also give a definite release date, which is May 7th, 2024. The book's back cover synopsis is over in the Books section, with purchase and review links coming soon.
Things have been moving fast over the last couple months and everything is starting to click into place. The next big milestone is the production of ARCs and starting some marketing and promotion efforts. Once in hand, I'll post the eARC on BookSirens, which is where I promoted The Path From Regret. The timing has also worked out that I'll be doing a book signing at the end of March at a local bookstore, so I'm going to have print ARCs as incentives to buy a hardcover copy of The Path From Regret. I've also been researching book conferences and I'm still on the fence about making the commitment - the cost to participate is rather high. I might want to have a bigger catalog of books before trying a book festival or something similar. It's a moot point for this summer anyway, as all of the local ones have filled up and aren't taking any more authors.
With things mostly wrapped up for The Magic of Deceit, my recent writing has been for the short story that will be for the Shapers of Worlds anthology. The Kickstarter for that will go live sometime in March, and I'll have more to say about it when I get more information from the editor. I had a really fun time writing the short story since it's something that I haven't done for quite a while. Once I know the anthology has been successfully funded and I've signed the contract for my contribution, then I'll have more to say about what I wrote. For now I'll just tease that the short story fits very well as a piece of lore related to my two novels.
Thanks for stopping by.